Why the BUT Network and Telecommunications

When I was young, I was interested in many different jobs such as policeman, military or real estate agent... As I grew up, these desires disappeared. In 4th grade, I got interested in computers during a technology class. It was from there that I got an idea of the sector in which I wanted to work, which was IT.

I went to a technical high school in which I did my seconde générale, then later on to the STI2D (computer science for industry and sustainable development) technological stream in which one of the specialities was "computer and digital systems" in which we dealt with programming as well as some basics in networking with Cisco Packet Tracer

I liked programming, so I thought of becoming a computer developer as a profession. I therefore looked for a university course in this field on parcourSup and I came across the BUT Informatique which corresponded to my criteria. Unfortunately, my application to the IUT Robert Schuman in Strasbourg was not accepted, so I was left with a BTS in digital systems at the Lycée Louis Couffignal in Strasbourg, the BUT Informatique in Montbéliard and the BUT Réseau télécommunications in Colmar. I chose the BUT Telecommunications Network, because the IUT in Montbéliard was badly evaluated, and I didn't see myself doing a BTS because it's a short course for my taste which doesn't offer many opportunities for further study like the BUT, which allows you to go to a top school.

Now, I don't regret my choice, I appreciate the training because it covers several aspects of computer science such as programming, networking as well as telephony and telecommunication, which is complete and solid in my opinion.

After obtaining the BUT, I would like to continue towards a training that would allow me to have a BAC +5 and work in the development of applications.