
Hi, I'm ANTONIO Christopher. Welcome to my web page!

Welcome to my page where you can learn more about me

photo de profil


My name is ANTONIO Christopher, I was born on 1st January 2004 in Strasbourg in a family of 4 children and my parents, of whom I am the youngest. I have a twin brother and an older brother and sister who are also twins and who are 4 years older than me.

Photo of myself

photo angola

My origins and culture

I am originally from Angola, a former Portuguese colony in southwest Africa bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo, Namibia and Zambia. In Angola, we speak Portuguese, which is the official language, a language that I do not speak, but I speak Lingala, the mother tongue of the Congo, because the Angolan and Congolese cultures are almost the same.

picture of the Angolan flag



If I were to define my character traits, I am a responsible, polite and calm person who does not like any form of tension, whether it is an argument or a fight... I am curious and sometimes I can be clumsy. All these criteria, reflect the education that my parents taught me

picture of a calm person


Me & sport

I am a person who loves to practice sports. I played a bit of football when I was young, but I soon developed a taste for martial arts and practiced taekwondo, a martial art from South Korea, which allowed me to travel and participate in competitions.

Photo of me having made the podium at the French Taekwondo Championship in 2018


Me and my hobbies

I am a curious person who likes to learn in general in all areas. I enjoy listening to podcasts on current events which I find fascinating, watching films and series/animations and I also enjoy watching TED content on youtube based on various enriching themes and topics.

image from a "TED" youtube channel