The StreetWorkout

Welcome to my blog dedicated to my passion, streetworkout. Streetworkout or calisthenics is a sport I've been practicing for 2 years. It is a discipline originating from the United States that has gained in popularity and has spread all over the world such as Russia, Latin America, Europe. It is such a vast discipline which is separated in 3 branches.

The 3 branches are the freestyles which is related to gymnastics and which requires a lot of flexibility with a lot of jumps and acrobatics requiring a lot of cardio and explosiveness. The strength or static figures in order to carry out a figure while having the body sheathed and which requires strength, flexibility and a work on its ratio weight/power. In this branch, we find many figures like the humanflag which is the figure represented in my background. And finally, the set and rep, the only branch of streetworkout that I practice globally. It consists in doing several basic exercises with body weight and is an efficient way to gain muscle mass or lose weight. This practice can be done at home with exercises such as push-ups, squats or crunches or in streetworkout parks with fixed high bars, parallel bars provided free of charge by the city in which you can practice your exercises. the city where you can practice the 3 branches of streetworkout.


picture of a streetworkout park

Set and Reps

Set and Reps This is the method I use to have fun and build muscle with basic and very effective exercises that involve all the muscles of the body. Among these exercises, we find :

Muscle Up





The muscle-up targets the entire upper body: the back, pectoralis major, shoulders, abdominal muscles, biceps and triceps. Pull-ups target the back, back-shoulders, forearms and biceps Dips target the pectorals, shoulders and triceps Crunches target the entire abdominal belt. Squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes

With pull-ups and muscle-ups, I look for performance and endurance by trying to reach a maximum number of repetitions. For this, I do circuits in a given time with a strict number of repetitions with little rest. Or exometric work, working on the downhill to gain strength. When I have reached my set goals and it is easy for me, I can add weight to increase the difficulty. This is called ballasting. This is a method of gaining strength as well. This is known as street lifting, which consists of adding weight in addition to body weight.

Picture of a weight belt (ballast).

There are also street-lifting competitions, where you try to surpass yourself and reach levels according to the criteria imposed by the competition organisers, such as doing a maximum number of weighted dips with 50 kilos.

Picture of 3 national streetworkout champions : Ludo, Bazinga & Baki HD

To conclude, streetworkout is a very effective way to build muscle other than with weights and bars at the gym. It doesn't require much equipment, nor does it require you to spend money on it. The fact of practising it would be a great gift to yourself ;)